Pathways> for Mental Health

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"How can I help my loved one who is suffering from a Mental Health crisis?"

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“Or come up with your own question if you are curious and engage with others to better understand the problem and learn of pathways to help”

A mental disorder refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, or behavior that can lead to depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, and PTSD. Without the proper support these disorders can lead to homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction, violence, loss of purpose and suicide.

Whether support is through therapy, group therapy, medications, or a shoulder to lean on from a family member, friend or even a stranger, the road to a healthy mind from someone suffering from a disorder is a long and winding road with many obstacles at every turn.

I argue mental health is the cornerstone of a healthier society but the ability to help is either misunderstood or hidden behind layers of bureaucracy and market forces. If you are someone who is either suffering or care about someone who is, the mission of Pathways> for Mental Health is to illuminate the barriers, ideas, and resources that could lead toward a society where mental health is a priority more than a liability.

~~~J. Paul Duplantis (Founder: Pathways> for Mental Health)

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